
Thursday 21 March 2013 ShareThis

Babies worden langzaam kittens ...

Beata's babies zijn 6 weken oud en vorige week begonnen ze met hun scholing. Elke dag leren ze iets nieuws.
Ze zijn overgeplaatst van de kittenkist naar hun zogenoemde manege waar ze meer ruimte hebben om te wandelen en te klimmen op de kleine krabpaal. 

Ze leren hoe ze uit de bakjes moeten eten, hoewel ze toch nog steeds de voorkeur geven aan mama's melk. Ook leren ze het toilet te gebruiken, hoewel ze dat meer als speelplekje zien en zelf daarin in slaap vallen.

Ze kijken ook goed naar Mama en proberen die na te doen als ze kattengras eet, hoewel het bijten nog echt helemaal lukt. 
En natuurlijk leren ze te spelen met hun speelgoed - stukjes papoer of kleine belletjes.

Mama houdt ze in de gaten en geeft zorg indien nodig.

Beata houdt van hen. Ze is een hele zorgzame lieve moeder.

Wednesday 20 March 2013 ShareThis

ADA, onze geliefde Adushja

Ze is al een jaar en negen maanden oud, maar we waren nog steeds benieuwd wanneer zij ons zou plezieren met lieve babies.

Daarmee kunnen we zeggen dat ondanks haar prachtige natuurlijke eigenschappen en een heel lief karakter ze voor ons een beetje een onbekende bleef als het haar moederschap betrof.

Eindelijk, na haar ontmoeting met de leuke man Uzor Hareza, is onze hoop bewaarheid... de echo test bevestigd dat zij positief drachtig is. 

Ze zal uitgeteld zijn halverwege april. En voor nu besteedt ze meer en meer tijd met rustig te zitten, slapen en eten, alles in voorbereiding op de grote gebeurtenis - de geboorte van haar eerste babies.


Tuesday 19 March 2013 ShareThis

Babies steadily turn to kittens

Beata's babies are almost six weeks and last week they started their schooling. Every day they learn something new.
They were removed from the baby box to their manege where they got more space for walking and climbing up the little cat tree.

They learn how to eat from the pots, although still prefer better Mom's milk;
how to use the toilet, although they better prefer to play there and very often to sleep :)                    
Looking at Mama they try to copy her in eating the cat grass, although can not bite even a piece of it     
 And of course they learn to play with the toys - pieces of paper or little balls

Mother watches them and takes care when it's needed.

Beata loves them. She is very devoted Mother

Ada, our beloved Adusja

She is already about one year and nine months old, but we still guessed when she would please us with her lovely babies.

So, we may say, that despite of her wonderful natural features and sweet character she remained for us a bit unknown person concerning her potential motherhood. 

At last, after her meeting with very nice male Uzor Hareza, our hopes come true - the echo test confirmed her successful pregnancy. 

She is due in the middle of April. And for now she more and more time spends by quiet sitting, sleeping and eating, preparing herself for the big event -  delivery of her first babies


Our two new Princess

Our Kurillean Bobtails...  

At last we get them to our house.

They are so wonderful that we can not stop but looking, playing and admiring them.
 They are different  by characters and look, but both are very sweet, loving, very intelligent and cooperative.

This is black Bagira. We call her Basja.

From the very first moment at our house she felt herself confidently and unhesitatingly. 

After a long trip in the minivan she drank a bit of water

and then started exploring her new home

And this is tortie Afina. We call her Fifa.

At the beginning she was hiding herself and we could not find her. 

But the next day  she came out and step by step accepted the  new surrounding with it's unusual sounds, faces, cats and rules. 

As appeared, she is a very lovely girl :)

Basja and Fifa mainly keep together.
Once they found Bob's sandwich at his desk and it was so tempting that they couldn't resist of trying it.

Although, they sleep separately at the self chosen spots they come from time to time to share the "bed" with each other.

We already love our little Kurillean Princess and hope this feeling soon become mutual

Thursday 7 March 2013 ShareThis

Beata's kittens

De kittens worden groter en laten zien dat ze buiten hun geboorte kist willen wandelen.
Daarom zijn ze vandaag overgezet in de zogenoemde 'manege' zodat ze meer ruimte hebben om te lopen en de basis regels voor hun gedragingen aanleren, zoals eten. In het laatste geval het babyvoer afgewisseld met de melk van mama en om hen stap voor stap te leren de kattenbak te gebruiken.
Ze zijn al heel slim, hoewel ze nog erg klein zijn. Ze zijn nog maar 4 weken oud.
Als ze 6 weken zijn, dan mogen de toekomstige eigenaren op bezoek komen, of beter gezegd, de leden van hun toekomstige gezinnen ....;)

Wednesday 6 March 2013 ShareThis

Beata's babies

The babies become bigger and show their interest in walking outside of their litter box. 

So, today they have been replaced to the manege where they have more space to walk and learn the basic rules of behavior, like eating  on the later stage the baby's food in addition to the mother's milk and getting learn step by step to use the toilet box.

They are rather clever already, although are very little, they are not yet even four weeks.

When they reach six weeks they could be visited be their future owners, or better to say by the members of their future families :)

The Mother and the aunt

Ada was very curious to look at the babies but Beata didn't allow her even to enter the room. But step by step sweet and problemless Ada  achieved her  goal. She has been allowed first to sit on the bed, then to walk around the litter box and at last to sit on the windowsill looking  inside the box while Beata took a rest.
                    But this was not enough for her, she would like even more - 
                              Adusya decided to get into the box.

 Beata didn't prevent her to our big surprise but only moved  to the edge of the bed for the easier control.

                          But when Ada started to groom and pet the babies

Beata couldn't stand this and jumped into the box, as well.
She clearly showed her disagreement with Ada's invention

                                   and Ada had to leave the box.
                      Mother and her babies were again happy together :)