
Tuesday 29 March 2011 ShareThis

Show in Schiedam, 20 March

There were both our girls presented there.
Darisha, as expected, got her third point for GIC.
For Beata it was the first show with FIFe. She didn't get to the "open class" due to the lack of only three days before her 10 months, so, she was exposed, as a "junior".
She got "excellent I" and participated in the Nomination.

The winner of BIS became Grissaille's Brilliant Perfomer, the boy from America of Christien den Uil.

Photos © Jeroen Jonkman

Monday 7 March 2011 ShareThis

SleepiPod: empty "quantum" boxes

The most interesting and exciting part is to investigate the empty packing boxes. 
Darisha and Beata enjoy this process in full :)

And as soon as Darisha is out of the box, Beata immediately jumps in
P.S. This example obviously demonstrates that according the "Schrödinger's Cat" theory it's rather problematic to keep more than one cat in the same box; apparently they don't feel cosily together, preferring to be the only object of the  experiment and get all the glory personally ;)