
Sunday 23 May 2010 ShareThis

Berengar (Berny)

In his eight weeks little Berny looks like a real gentleman. He is serious and responsible. But he ecstatically partisipates all the activities of his brothers and sisters. Berny also lives in Den Haag, like his brother Baduric. He is adopted with a great love by a young family of Larissa and Robert.

1 comment:

Natalia van der Flier said...

From Larissa and Robert's mail:

"Dear Natalia en Bob,
Bernegar is doing great! He has already become totally accustomed to us and his new house. He is a very brave cat! He super playful, he loves playing with his toys.
On monday we went to the vet - he is totally healthy.
We are very proud owners, he is lovely, a real sweetheart!
Thank you..."